Test Pit 30

Test Pit 30. Farm Cottage, Heckfield Green

Property description and location

Farm Cottage, a Grade II listed farmhouse (NHLE No. 1285012) dating to the 17th century, lies on Denham Road, probably broadly marking the southern extent of Heckfield Green. The property includes a pasture field to the rear. The broad layout is largely unchanged from its depiction on the Tithe map (named in the apportionment as 'Cottage and Garden' and the field as 'Pightle', both owned by James Clubbe) and 1st Edition OS.

Test Pit description

Pit 30

The pit was placed in the pasture field, c.60m east of the house and c.55m from the road, effectively to the rear of the adjacent Michelin House. The topsoil, a dark orange/brown sand/clay soil with frequent flints, Context 1, was seen to extend for at least 0.2m whereupon excavation was stopped.

Test Pit finds summary

Pit 30

A small number of fragments of GRE and IGBW were present in the lower spit of the pit, with Victorian or later wares present in the upper layer.

Test Pit Discussion

Farm Cottage lies on the fringe of the settlement spread around Heckfield Green and the pit itself appears to have been located in former farmland during the post-medieval period. This usage corresponds with the relatively slight assemblage of post-medieval material which, predominantly consisting of small and abraded fragments, has probably arrived on the site by agricultural practices such as manuring.

Table of Finds

Spit No Context No Sieved? Display/ Keep? Pottery Post Med/ modern Medieval CBM Fired Clay Mortar/ Plaster Clay Pipe Glass Flint Slate Plastic Iron Nails Iron Other Other Metalwork Animal Bone Oyster Shell Land Snail Comments
1 1 100% Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 1 100% Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Details of Pottery Finds

Spit No Context No Display/ Keep? Post Med/ modern Medieval Details
1 1 Yes 19th C +
2 1 Yes 1 sherd GRE and 1 IGBW (16th-18th C)