Test Pit 26

Test Pit 26. Bethesda, Heckfield Green (HXN 071)

Property description and location

Bethesda, although not listed, is assumed to be of at least mid 19th century date as it appears to be depicted on both the 1st Edition OS as a row of three attached cottages and the Tithe map (where it is named in the apportionment as three 'Cottage and Garden(s)', all owned by James Clubbe). The house, which is set back c.38m from the road to the north and c.25m from Clink Hill to the east, may be positioned within the former extent of Heckfield Green. Skynner shows the property as part of a plot owned by 'Wid(ow) Club' but his other detailed maps of the estate, in a separate volume (SRO Ref. HA 68 484/752), show the plot as being part of the Green itself and crossed by a road or track which connecting the two roads.

Test Pit description

Pit 26

The Test Pit was located c.5m from the road frontage in an area of flat lawn. A 0.25m thick modern topsoil with heavy tree root disturbance, Context 1, overlaid a 0.15m thick layer of compacted flints, Context 2, which in turn overlaid the natural clay subsoil.

Pit 26

Test Pit finds summary

Pit 26

A fragment of LMT ware dated to the 15th-16th centuries was present in Context 1, but was accompanied by Victorian pottery. Other sherds of GRE and IGBW dating to the 16th-18th century were also identified. A complete copper alloy thimble with punched holes, found directly above Context 2, probably dates to the 17th century. Mortar fragments, one with flint attached from Context 2 may be the remnants of a wall. A probable horse incisor was also present from this context.

Test Pit Discussion

The variety of datable material in the topsoil demonstrates that this is a mixed deposit, corresponding with its recent use as a garden. The underlying flint surface is itself undated and, while it could simply represent a former pathway from road to the house, is perhaps quite likely to pre-date the property, possibly relating to the road or track crossing the former Green.

Table of Finds

Spit No Context No Sieved? Display/ Keep? Pottery Post Med/ modern Medieval CBM Fired Clay Mortar/ Plaster Clay Pipe Glass Flint Slate Plastic Iron Nails Iron Other Other Metalwork Animal Bone Oyster Shell Land Snail Comments
1 & 2 1 Yes % uncertain Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
3 & 4 2 Yes % uncertain Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Flint walling
3 1 Yes % uncertain Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - thimble Complete thimble with punched holes, probably 17th C
2 Yes % uncertain Yes Yes Mortar fragments + 1 flint with mortar - part of wall? 1 horse incisor

Details of Pottery Finds

Spit No Context No Display/ Keep? Post Med/ modern Medieval Details
1 & 2 1 Yes IGBW (16th-18th C), NOTS & Victorian +
3 1 Yes 1 x LMT (15th-16th C), LMT/GRE x 2 + Victorian +